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09 April 2011

Woaahh what a day..



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Its been awhile.. sincee.. when.. ntah lah lama jugak…. bla bla bla.. sampai skrng got election day in SWK.. now still in campaign.. x penah lagi pergi mengundi or even register as pengundi.. isk isk buat malu btol.. bukan apa.. ntah mana satu parti la yg ok.. kang x ok .. menyesal lak.. yg skrng punya pun ntah apa ntah jer tgk.. so thts y till now i wont bother to join in any politic thing.. serabut ..  hmm ..  .skrang ntah apa la.. byk sgt program kt tv psl election.. skrng la baru nak “tunjuk” ..

igt lagi dulu time election.. siap bagii RM50 utk pegi hadir ceramah org nih.. aku pegi jer.. almaklum la time tuh budak  yg suka melepak.. apa lagi join sudah free transport lak tuh.

papehal  mintak2 la spa yg menang nanti orgnya the best 1.. nasib la aku nih x pandai giler nak mampos banyak duit giler giler .. kalo x sah mmg aku elect diri sendiri nyer haha ..


anywy all the best.. SAYA SAYANG SARAWAK!  Smile with tongue out

The best birthday party ever

junkiesmunkies: We're gonna party like it's your birthday! #says

To celebrate 3 years of growing the community, is giving gifts to Malaysians across the social media! Macbook Air, Samsung Plasma TV, iPhone 4, Canon SLR, iPad 2, Lomokit, trip to South Korea, IKEA room makeover, front row tickets to Justin Bieber's concert, shopping sprees to TopShop, Forever21, MNG etc... you have to see the full list. Good things are meant to be shared. Happy 3rd Birthday, everyone!
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